Tuesday, November 06, 2007

USO Christmas Present Letter

Yesterday hubby and I received a form letter from the USO asking for holiday gifts for the troops in Iraq. They're looking for batteries, cds, books, toiletries, etc. - all the goodies young people too far from home could need or want.

Unfortunately we're too broke to send anything. I'm trying to figure out how we'll get our own kids a few things for Christmas.

If I could send something I'd likely be checking all the old and rare booksellers for some choice Vietnam-era works on how to go AWOL and stay out of trouble...or how to protest the war while still a soldier. Somehow I think the USO would likely be happier if I just forgot about the whole thing.

But I can't think of a better present for the holidays, or any time, for the troops and those who love them than to get them all the hell out of there as soon as possible. It would be good for us, good for the Iraqis, and good for the world. And it's the right thing to do.

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